Tuesday 16 October 2012

Week 4

Week 4

 I was absent for week four but got updated on the readings and an outline of what happened in class.

 Kelleher, J (2009) Theatre & Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.16-31

Kelleher starts off by explaining that theater is a way to identify, explore and argue opinions, allowing an audience to examine the artists construction of how he/her sees the truth.

Kelleher then explains that narratives like the one in this place are largely relatable to most of the audience members and that the characters hold familiar aspects audiences that will connect with groups in culture. He then states the importance of creating this comfort level with the audience and says that by conjuring up work that audiences can relate to it renders them permeable and unlocked to political communication within the work.

 Glissant, E (1990) ‘Poetics of Relation’ in Bishop, C (2006) Participation – Documents of Contemporary Art, London and Massachusetts: Whitechapel & MIT Press pp.71-78

Glissant starts off talking about the awareness that the bonds between people are found through society. This is mainly acheived by the way in which social groups are generated, they  hold their own traits which show and instantly differ them from other groups. Sometimes the entire range of societies endeavour to make their own distinctiveness apparent.  This is done by promoting these traits that define them as a group. Using their sense of Culture and the Nation’s individual power to describe and build the basis of their identity as a group.

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