Tuesday 13 November 2012

Week 8

Week 8

It turns out that due to my absence i have been removed from my group along with two others Ellie and Jason and its three weeks till the final performance....


So we sat down as a new group and instead of accepting our apparent fate as failures we began brainstorming

''So what will we do?''
''i don't know, this is terrible''
''something in Stratford''
''Yes! trains that's great''
''but what are these trains doing in relation to Stratford?''
''the Olympics''
''this is gunna be a long day''

this is an actual conversation between me Jason and Ellie and it shows just how effective brainstorming at 10am is to students.

Nevertheless we persevered and we eventually came up with the idea to investigate the effect that the Olympics had on the social behavior of the people in London, focusing on Stratford and the transport lines that pass through it.

we decided that we would do this by asking people on the tube what they thought of the underground/Stratford prior or after the Olympics ad then what they thought during the build up and latter stages of the hype.

So with this idea set in stone we went out to record our interviews...
we got on the first tube at Stratford and immediately noticed that no one was looking approachable but we still went ahead and tried to interview someone who blanked us and made us feel a bit embarrassed at being turned down for conversation n the tube.

We decided a different tactic was in order, we needed to find an ideal 'type' of person to inteview so we made a checklist of no no's (non-ideal people to interview).

no headphones
no newspaper
not on the tube (can be on the platform)
not with sad face

after narrowing our search terms we started to have some success and it looked like we could actually do it and we began to have hope for our project


We came back to the lecture room after gathering some of the audio and pics and told Claire about our idea and what we were proposing for our final performance, the main point that Claire made was that it would be a good idea to take the class on the underground for the performance to make it more involving and whilst that was a great idea we are very worried about the time we have to do everything starting so late.
We are now thinking about doing it in the form of a video of our travels and the tasks we faced just getting people to talk to each other.


BBC Story on Olympic Fever


And here's some Olympic propaganda that referred to the tube which i think gave the tube an Olympic feel.


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