Wednesday 5 December 2012

Week 9 Performance Day

Week 9 Performance Day

Right before our performance starts i would like to outline a few things i would like to achieve in doing this performance.
  • I would like to show that the London tube experience is something WE MAKE OURSELVES, the Olympics didn't change anything other give us a 'reason' to talk to others, we still have that ability we just don't use it.
  • I would like to make people laugh or at least smile as that will elevate peoples moods and than in itself is a good reason to perform.
  • i would like people to question their daily activities and how it effects their lives.

 Evaluation Of Our Performance

On performance day i was running late as the station that i normally get my tube from was closed and i had to walk to the next stop which was INFURIATING to say the least. But as soon as i got to Stratford i called Jason and asked him if he wanted to add to the big poster i had made at home as it was missing a bit of coloring in anyway and he did so we went to Costa coffee in the market center to finish that off, knowing that our performance wasn't until 12, however at 11:15 we got a call from Angelina telling us that we were on stage now and were going to miss our performance so we quickly packed up everything and sprinted down to the theater hoping we weren't in trouble and confused that our performance wasn't at the alleged time told to us.

When it was time for our performance we were all feeling confident and i even managed to have the time to make some last minute scripts for Ellie and Jason to say at the end during the previous performance. It went well albeit with some technical difficulties as the video cut out a few times and left the audience waiting in silence, we still don't know why this happened as during the many run-throughs' it worked seamlessly but i think next time it would be a good idea to check it using the projector also.
The interviews of me Ellie and Jason giving our perspective as they brought the attention back to the screen when the audience got tired of listening to the bad quality first day recordings and i think this let down our performance a little bit as if we had more time we would have definitely opted for better quality audio interviews, and the lack of video was also a concern as we only had 3 short video clips which totaled about 2 minutes of our 10 minute performance, it would have been more involving if those videos were a bit longer or if there was more of them.
As the film played the audience looked attentive and even laughed at the bits i thought they would which was a feeling of achievement for myself, and i think so for Ellie and Jason too, and Jason also did a great job with his Q&A at the end of the film, I decided to hand out bits of paper to the audience before the film played asking them to write one word describing the atmosphere of the underground and this offered a great amount of discussion to close our performance.

Looks like we did eventually get everyone talking!

Monday 3 December 2012

Monday 12th November (the day before the performance)

Monday 12th November (the day before the performance)

Me Ellie and Jason met up today to go finish the work we started last week. We borrowed a proper microphone from the university and went around the Transport lines around Stratford interviewing staff and a few passengers asking their opinions on the matter and got some great interview audio footage.

We decided that we would do our performance as sort of a mini-documentary looking at how the olympics affected london's people and what it did to their general state of mind
We asked the people we interviewed to give us 1 word that describes the London transport experience at the end of every interview.

I went and brought some large paper and wrote the words down splitting the paper in 2 (before and after the Olympics and during the Olympics and the build up to it.) and this was to be presented alongside our mini-documentary.

We sat in the  library until 23:00 that night putting together all of our footage and editing the bits that i had done at home onto the final edit of the film

we thought this parody song about the London underground was fitting to put in our piece as it voices the displeasure most people talked about in their interviews

And we had some footage of Jason's time working for the Olympics which proved really useful to explain his story (which came about in the form of and interview we each did about the transport and Olympics and how it effected each of us) which we edited into our documentary.